(Co)narrações de viagens para Portugal por lusodescendentes no Facebook


  • Isabelle Simões Marques Universidade Aberta; CLUNL, NOVA-FCSH
  • Michele Koven University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA




narrativa, deíticos, Facebook, turismo de herança, turismo de raízes, diáspora, Lusodescendentes, França, comunidades imaginadas


This article combines the study of online narratives as social practices and the linguistic anthropological study of imagined communities, to examine a set of non-canonical narrative practices in a Facebook group for the Portuguese diaspora in France. Instead of reports of individual members’ past experiences, these narratives function as invitations to other group members to co-tell typical, shared experiences. Specifically, we investigate how group members share vacation trips to Portugal with each other in ways that produce a sense of collective and simultaneous experience. They accomplish this through deictically-based narrative strategies that shift the social, spatial, and temporal perspectives of narrating and narrated frames in ways that link the following: individual I’s with collective we’s, one-time events with timeless event types, and co-presence online with co-presence on vacation. Through these strategies, participants connect Facebook narrations of vacations to the larger social project of diasporic longing for and return to Portugal.


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Como Citar

Simões Marques, I., & Koven, M. (2018). (Co)narrações de viagens para Portugal por lusodescendentes no Facebook. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, (4), 134–151. https://doi.org/10.26334/2183-9077/rapln4ano2018a37