Stylistic and social influences on the variation of 3rd person possessives in the D&G Natal corpus




variationist sociolinguistics, possessive pronouns, third person singular, social and stylistic constraints


This study is the result of an analysis of the linguistic variation between the possessive forms SEU and DELE (and their inflections) in Natal/RN, at the end of the 20th century, with emphasis on social and stylistic aspects, as extralinguistic factors that condition usage. 40 oral texts and their respective written versions were selected, extracted from the Corpus Discurso e Gramática (D&G), and these data are equally stratified in language modality, gender/textual sequence, age/education and gender. It was verified, through quantitative analyzes provided by the Statistical Program Goldvarb, that the DELE(A)(S) form stands out in orality, in genres/sequences of the narrative sphere, among younger/less educated individuals, and among men. Among these factors, the one with the greatest influence was related to language modality. And from the sociolinguistic generalizations, it could be concluded that the phenomenon of variation between the possessive forms of the 3rd person singular, regarding the analyzed factors, indicated, at that time, a stable variation between the variants.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. L. (2023). Stylistic and social influences on the variation of 3rd person possessives in the D&G Natal corpus. Journal of the Portuguese Linguistics Association, (10), 271–286.